Dr Batty practices at the following locations
Biolab Medical Unit
9 Weymouth Street
St John's Wood NW6 Wellness Clinic
This clinic provides the perfect ambience for mind and body medicine.
Hospital of St John & St Elizabeth
60 Grove End Road
St John's Wood
Get in touch today
We want to help you regain control of your life in a natural, predictive fashion so that your individual needs are catered for, rather than you having to fit within a pre-determined patient classification, that invariably leads to sufferers being over-medicated and under-treated.
If you feel that you are interested in what we have to say, but are not yet ready to take the plunge, then please complete the small contact form below.
As part of our commitment to safety and convenience, particularly during these challenging times caused by the Covid pandemic,
Dr Batty provides virtual consultations, which can be accessed via the secure Zoom video conferencing platform.
After you have arranged an appointment, you will receive an email with the Zoom link to the consultation at the pre-arranged start-time.
Email: info@wellbeingmedicine.co.uk
Web: www.wellbeingmedicine.co.uk
Tel: 07870 242 956