Which conditions can LDN be used for?
Autoimmune diseases - Hashimoto Thyroiditis, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Crohn's Disease, Psoriasis, Long Covid Syndrome
Central Nervous System Disorders - anxiety, depression, migraine, Parkinson's Disease
Chronic Pain - Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Nerve damage/Neuropathy, Hypermobility Syndromes.
Oncology - see complete list by clicking link below
For a comprehensive list of conditions, please click here
Opiates (morphine, codeine, dihydrocodeine). Impaired liver and kidney function and pregnancy. We do not issue prescriptions to Minors under 18 years of age.
Recommended dosage
The ideal dose varies from person to person. It is usually titrated from 0.5 or 1mg to 3 or 4.5mg over weeks under supervision. Some people may require very low or ultra -low doses, which can be used as capsules, oral suspension, skin cream, and eye drops. It is compounded by the pharmacy specialised in LDN.
Monitoring its effect
This depends on the condition for which it is taken. For example, ESR/CRP/WCC in autoimmune conditions, Thyroid antibodies in Hashimoto Hypothyroidism, VAS score for pain intensity, Sleep and Chronic Fatigue Questionnaire, Quality of Life Questionnaire for Long Covid Syndrome (EuroQoL), sleep tracking, PHQ-9/GAD for anxiety and mood can be chosen.
The referral process
After completing the LDN Questionnaire and Consent Form, a 30 minute Telemedicine Consultation will be arranged. In-person consultation is also available, or can be arranged. Details will be provided upon booking. The fee for this consultation is £155 and will include a summary report for your GP or treating specialist.
Who compounds LDN?
LDN is compounded through a specialised pharmacy in London at additional cost.
How does it work?
Regulates biological response to infections.
Activates and stimulates opiate receptors and influences the brain to work more effectively, to produce its own neurotransmitters.
Reduces inflammation by reducing inflammatory cytokines and stabilises immunity.
Can also act as anti-histamine.
Shifts immune system from Th2 to Th1 - a less inflammatory state.
Increases endorphin and enkephalin production.
Since growth (proliferation) is mediated by a subtype of endorphins, and it downregulates oncogenes, it can be used in the management of cancer